Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Little Friend Can Become a Real Rescue Hero

How often have you heard about cats' heroic deeds? Usually, we hear all over the news about rescue dogs who have saved people's lives. However, there is a great number of cats, who deserve the title of a hero. On August 4, 2004, an angel kitty by the name of Samantha was recognized by the Service Animal Registry of America (SARA) and given the Therapeutic Animal certification, which means this super brave cat is under the protection of law. 

Tia Dawn Jenkins, a disabled twenty-seven-year old young lady from Louisville, Kentucky, shared her story for online "Angel Animals Story of the Week" about her heroic cat, Samantha. On August 4, 2004 her little cat, Samantha saved a life of her lovely disabled owner, Tia, who suffered from four brain surgeries, seizures, and poor vision. Also, she helped not only Tia escape from certain peril of the burning fire, but also her little turtle friend, Shelly.

In the early goings, Samantha was a mischievous kitty, wreaking havoc about the house. Her former owner and next door neighbor, at one point, contemplated feeding Samantha to her pit bull pup. Despite her enfeebled condition, Tia stepped in and took Samantha into her home as her own - a decision  According to Tia, Samantha brought happiness into her depressing life:

"I decided to keep Samantha for myself when I noticed that she brought me out of my depression moods. She would make me laugh by playing fetch with me. I started to train her to bring items that I could not find due to my loss of sight and other disabilities. I trained her to alert me to people and dangers. Samantha also learned how to get help for me, if I went into a seizure."

Samantha not only became a healing natural medicine and animal nurse for Tia, but she also assumed the role of knight in shining armor on the night of January 20, 2004 when a kitchen fire broke out in Tia's apartment. At the first sign of danger, Samantha sprung into action belting out these wicked "meows". Lacking the vision to see where the smoke was bellowing from, Tia was fortunate enough to be able to rely on her little friend, Samantha, to guide her and Tia's pet turtle out of the apartment. Firefighters would later determine that had Samantha not acted in such a timely manner, Tia, most likely, would not have made it out of her smoke filled apartment in time. Thankfully, Samantha's coolness under pressure and strong survival instincts prevailed and tragedy was avoided. Would you like to save one of those rescue little friends? Take an action and check out our website today! www.littlefriendsfoundation.com

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